
Every father’s day I suffer from regrets—regrets because my father died when I was a child—regrets because I wish I’d known him better and more regrets because I certainly could have used his strong guidance when I was growing up.

My father died of a heart attack when I was 7-years-old and with every passing year my memories of him become more precious. I only wish I had more of those memories.

I remember how I used to pester Daddy on those rare afternoons when he’d come home early from work. I’d snuggle up to him and chatter endlessly, even though Mama told me, “Don’t bother your daddy. He’s trying to rest.”

On those rare afternoons, Daddy seemed to be listening to whatever nonsense I was spouting as he smoked his unfiltered Camel cigarettes. I must confess, though, I didn’t always listen to him, like the day he brought an old car home from his hardware store.

One of the doors—on the passenger’s side—was missing. Unaware of the danger, I begged Daddy to let me ride along in this mysterious old car.

“Okay, but you have to stay away from the open door,” Daddy cautioned.

I hopped in the car beside him, but soon managed to wiggle away and fall out as we rode up the hill in front of our house. I landed at the bottom of the hill, tousled and breathless.

When I glanced up, I saw Daddy, staring down at me. He didn’t scold. Instead, he said, “Are you all right?”

I felt half dead, but I wanted to impress Daddy by being tough. So I brushed myself off and answered, “Yes.”

“Okay, come on. Get in the car and let’s go,” he said.

Occasionally, Daddy would take us to a movie, but mostly he worked. He wanted to provide his family with the finer things in life: a huge brick home, a fishing pond, a swimming pool, tennis courts and our own merry-go-round. But I would have gladly traded it all for a few more years of sharing moments with him.

I’ve told my daughters their granddaddy was a great guy, but I wish they could have discovered his greatness on their own. I’ve told them of the time when I was a teenager, a strange man was wandering around our house. I called the police because Mother wasn’t home and I was afraid.

When the police questioned the man, he said he used to work for Daddy many years ago: “Whenever I needed work, Mr. Ira would always give me some.”

I’ve shared this story with my daughters because I wanted them to know their grandfather was a good man. I wanted them to know he tried to help others. I wanted them to know he was generous in giving of his time and money.

I only wish he’d had more time for me. And on Father’s Day I am again reminded of how much I miss him.

Message in the Roses Query

    My third novel  Message in the Roses, needs a home. Below is the query lettery I’m sending out. I welcome your suggestions. I’ll keep you posted on the book’s progress. I’ll post an excerpt of the book soon.  Hugs

My recently completed novel, Message in the Roses, is loosely based on a murder trial I covered as a journalist in Atlanta. It’s also a love story.

Protagonist Carrie Sue Justice, 25, is a fearless and tenacious journalist with a chaotic personal life.

Marcus, 35, is a seasoned newspaper man and decorated war veteran unable to forgive himself for the accidental death of his late wife.

They begin a steamy love affair at a time when the community is in turmoil. Four black boys have been accused of shooting and killing a white boy. Before the trial begins, one of the boys allegedly hangs himself in his jail cell. Another boy pleads guilty. The two remaining youths are to be tried as adults. Tatum’s defense attorney calls Carrie Sue’s best friend and “black brother” to testify. Freemont swears he spotted Tatum blocks away from the crime scene during the time of the shooting death. As a result of Freemont’s testimony, Freemont and Carrie Sue become targets.           

Message in the Roses (82,500 words) shares common themes with classics like Gone with the Wind, To Kill a Mockingbird and A Time to Kill. Carrie Sue tells this story in her southern voice and readers should be able to identify with her grief, the betrayal of her husband and her messy divorce. With passion and determination, she rises above her personal sorrow to fight injustice and defy fierce adversaries without backing down. The erotic lovemaking in this novel occurs naturally as Marcus changes from killjoy workaholic, who struggles with inner demons, to hot romantic hero.

Like Carrie Sue, I was born and raised in the South. I earned a Journalism degree from Georgia State University and worked as a reporter, columnist, broadcaster and editor. My first two books have been well received. Mardi Gravestone was rebirthed as Sex, Love & Murder. My second book Hurricane House received 4.5 stars from Romantic Times and 5 stars from Midwest Book Review.

I greatly appreciate your time and expertise. May I send you a copy of my manuscript?


Sandy Semerad



Five things you can do to be happier

Everyone wants to be happier, and I’m no exception. So I couldn’t resist the PBS special on the subject in which author Shawn Achor claims “happiness is a choice.”

He gave five things you can do right now to be much happier. After listening to him, I’m thinking I may buy his book The Happiness Advantage, but in order to spread the bliss, I couldn’t resist summarizing for you what he said.
Do these five things for 21 days and they will become habits, Achor said, and lead to a much happier, successful life and ultimately change the lens in which you view the world. Here they are:

1.Think of three new things you are grateful for that have happened in the last 24 hours. Repeat this for 21 days. Also you can increase your happiness by sharing your gratitude with your significant other and ask him or her to tell you three things for which they are grateful.

2. To double your optimism, take two minutes to write down your gratitude and your most meaningful experiences. Again do this every day for 21 days.

3. Add 15 minutes of fun activity to your day. This must be a physical activity like walking the dog or gardening, etc.

4. Consciously add three smiles to your day.

5. Charge your happiness battery by meaningful social connections. People can motivate you more than anything, Achor says. So take the time to encourage and motivate others and spread the happiness. The key here is to motivate and avoid being negative or criticizing.

Try all of the above and you’ll be healthier, more energetic and more successful, according to Achor. In fact, happiness is the fuel that allows us to be more successful, he says.

Check out author Cheryl Wright’s book.

Cheryl is an author with publisher Books We Love and we are doing a blog-a-thon. Here’s the blurb about her book:

Emma Larkin is running for her life – nowhere is safe. < /p>

Stalked by her husband’s killers, and desperate to protect her young daughter, Emma must find what the killers are looking for before she becomes their next victim.

When undercover cop, Gary Bedford, planned a relaxing break, he hadn’t counted on bumping into Emma. Now he can’t resist the temptation to discover all her secrets.

But should Emma trust her life and heart to Gary Bedford?

Can they solve the mystery surrounding her husband’s death – and uncover his deadly secret?


“Oh wow. Could not stop reading this. Was on pins and needles through the entire book . Wonderful story and very well written. Looking forward to more books by this fantastic writer!” ~ D. Gilman

“A great fast paced light suspense romance captivating the reader in a plot of many twists and turns. You will not want to put this book down until the end when all is revealed.” ~ Claudia R.


Buy Running Scared at:

Learn more about Cheryl’s characters and her books at: