Remembering Daddy


photo of Daddy

I’m remembering my Daddy, Ira Hodges, on Father’s Day

As a child, I was afraid of monsters and would often sneak into my parents’ bed at night. After I fell asleep, Daddy would carry me back to my bed. One time he didn’t.

That was the night he died.

The next morning, I found Mother crying in the living room. Our house was full of people. Many of them were crying, too.

“Where’s Daddy,” I asked Mother.

“He’s gone away,” she said.

Later at the funeral home, a man asked, “Would you like to see your daddy?” He carried me to a shiny casket and hoisted me up.

Daddy looked handsome, but asleep, and I didn’t understand he wouldn’t wake up. I soon learned he died of a heart attack.

I was seven when he left this earth, and unfortunately, I don’t have many memories of him. I do recall pestering Daddy once when he came home early from work. I sat on his bed and chattered while he was trying to nap. I can still see his camel cigarettes on the bed stand.

Daddy worked most of the time. He wanted to provide his family with the finer things in life: a huge brick home, a fishing pond, a swimming pool, tennis courts and our own merry-go-round.

But I would have gladly traded all the luxury for more time with him.
I’ve told my daughters and granddaughter he was a great man. Although I wish they could have discovered his greatness on their own. I’ve told them of the time when I was a teenager, a strange man was wandering around our house. I called the police because Mother wasn’t home and I was afraid.

When the police questioned the man, he said he used to work for Daddy many years ago: “Whenever I needed work, Mr. Ira would always give me some.”

Another man told me Daddy repaired the windows in his family’s house for free. “It was cold and we couldn’t afford to pay,” he said.

I’ve shared these stories and many others like them with my daughters and granddaughter because I want them to know he tried to help others. I want them to know he was generous in giving of his time and money.

I only wish I could have had more time with him, and I know my sister Alice Kay feels the same. We’ve missed not having him in our lives, and with that thought, I’d like to wish all of you a Happy Father’s Day. #HappyFather’sDay.

11 thoughts on “Remembering Daddy

  1. You wish you had more memories, but what you do have of your father are cherished ones and speak of his character as a man and as a father.

  2. Great post Sandy! I remember when that happened and I do remember the sadness through out the town! I’m older than you, but I don’t remember you did very well!

  3. Thank you for reading my blog post about Daddy, Bob. He was a remarkable man. Happy Father’s Day. I hope you have a great one!❤️

  4. True, Mary Ann. Thank you for reading this, and for your sweet comments. ❤️

  5. I could feel the love. I lost my Dad when I was 12 and have almost the same memories as you. Problem was years ago the men worked such long hours that we didn’t get to see them a lot. My fondest memory of mine was helping him in the garden that he loved.

  6. Thank you for reading my blog about my daddy and for sharing your sweet memory of yours. Love and hugs!

  7. Hello Sandy~ from Wimberley.
    If there were a joke to tell: my Dad
    If Someone needed help : my Dad
    Strong Stern and Loving: My Dad

    Pandemic keeps me away this Father’s Day
    But to know by phone: my Dad will answer.
    Thank you for sharing this and reminder to call
    often vs seldom.

    Your Daddy would be so proud, I still feel our sweet lil visit at Chamber of Comm. He provided this world with a beautiful women inside most important and outwardly as well💓

  8. Thank you for your kind words, Joan, and for reading my blog about my daddy. Hugs! ❤️

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